Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pretika SonicDermabrasion Facial Brush

Pretika SonicDermabrasion Facial Brush

I've been using this for 3 weeks, I guess I'm ready for a review. I've iniatially bought this because I was debating whether I should get the clarisonic, and after researching in, a lot of people recommended this as dupe for the clarisonic.

According to the instruction booklet:
Use daily to remove the Epidermal (outer) layer of dry and flaky skin cells and reduct the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles so your skin feels smoother. Gentle enough for use as part of your daily beauty routine. Helps reduce appearance of pores, oily areas, dry skin patches and blemishes. Cleanse so effectively for Healthier Skin and prepares the skin to better absorb skin care treatments.

For the first week I've used it daily, after removing my makeup with a makeup remover, I've used Pretika with a foam cleanser. I've noticed that my skin really did absorb skin care products better, but other than that I didn't notice any other changes on my skin.

On the second week I've started to feel that this might actually be too harsh to use it daily, I've started to have red patches after using it (please note that I do not have sensitive skin), so I've started to use it on alternatives night. I used to have some dry patches during winter time, and after using Pretrka for 2 weeks, the dry patches were gone.

However, the main reason why I bought it was because i have huge pores which I've wanted to reduce, but I'm sad to tell that this did not happen.

According to the instruction booklet, this is how you use it:
Dampen face with warm water, press the facial brush to treated area and turn on. Press power button once for high power or press again for low power, speed is dependent on sensitivity of skin type. Press firmly to treated area and move facial brush in an upward, circular motion. Recommended time per treated area is 20 seconds for each area - forehead, nose, chin and each cheek. Timer will beep at every 20 seconds to indicate changing area and the brush will shut off after one minute.

Although this brush did not fulfill all of its claims, I still think that it was a good purchase, it thoroughly cleanses my skin and I really like how my skin absorbs my skin care products. However I strongly advise you not to use it if you have delicate or sensitive skin.

I got this in for US41.50, which I think is very reasonable if you compare it with a clarisonic, but I just wished their brush head would be softer.

You are supposed to change the brush head every 3 months or when necessary, and the brush head is only available in, it cost US$20 for a set of 4.

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