Monday, December 21, 2009

Valmont Renewing Pack vs Ayer Base Masque Tonivital

VALMONT RENEWING PACK - Cellular Anti Stress Treatment

According to

Renewing Pack is a sumptuous non-greasy mask cream. Designed as a revitalizing treatment, it re-balances the epidermis and stimulates it while regulating its hydrolipidic film. Rich in Triple DNA and RNA, this mask also processes a clarifying and smoothing action, and gives an instant glow.
As a choc treatment: spread a thick layer on clean, dry skin and, after massaging, leave for 15-20 minutes. The surplus is then removed with a dry tissue. As a daily treatment, in the morning, apply a thin layer for at least 3-5 minutes and remove with a tissue drenched in lukewarm water. Avoid contact with eyes.

I got mine for around US$150 at sasa.

Ayer Base Tonivital Mask

According to

Refreshing facial mask containing stimulating plant extracts andintensively moisturizing factors.Gives new elasticity and vitality to your skin. Refines your skin texture.

According to the instruction:

Apply mask generously to the cleansed skin of face and throat. Leave to work for 15 min, and relax compeltely. In the following removewith a lot of lukewarm water or a cotton-wool pad soaked with loation

I got mine at angel cosmetics for about US$35

I've used 3 bottles of Valmont, and only recently started to use Ayer (which came highly recommended by my godmother, thank you). I'm not going to argue about its ingredients because i know nothing about it, the reason I'm comparing these two, because it gave me exactly the same effect, i.e. instant pore tightening.

I've got huge pores around my cheek area, and I've tried my share of pore tightening products, but none would give me the same effect as Ayer or Valmont. Both masks has a cooling effect, but in terms of hydration I think Valmont is better. Ayer comes with another problem, it doesn’t washes off as easily as Valmont, with Valmont you could just rinse it off with water, while Ayer does not come off easily, I usually have to go over it with a astringent.

However, considering their price difference, I think I’ll stay with Ayer and say goodbye to Valmont.

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