Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lush Haul

This is a small haul from Lush:

  1. Mask of Magnaminte HK$155

  2. Big HK$165

  3. Colour Supplement - Light Pink (free gift)

  4. Lemon Flutter Cutible Butter HK$99

  5. Ballistics - Avo Bath HK$49

  6. Bubble Bar - The Comforter bubble Bath HK$85

  7. Ballistics - Happy Pill HK$79

I haven't really started using these products, but they all smell sooooooo delicious, I think I'll enjoy using it.


  1. Love the post! Lush is such an addiction; my wallet cries every time I go there ahah!
    In fact I’m about to post my huge haul. Lush is the best around Christmas. (:


    1. Agree, and I intend to hit the stores this weekend.
