Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Coffret D'or CM Eyes

Shade: 01 Orange-Brown Mix
Price: HK$220

The following photos and information has been extracted from Coffret's Webpage:

A - Highlight Color
B - Free Medium Color - Blend these two colors to add color and shimmering light and create a
beautiful depth to your eyes.
C- Shadow Color

  1. Using a thick brush, apply the Highlight Color A from under the brow to cover the entire eyelid and brighten the eye area.
  2. Using a medium-sized brush, blend the two Free Medium Colors B and gently smudge from the outer eyelid to the inner eyelid area (adjust shine and coloration as desired).
    *Using a thick tip will ensure complete coverage of the eyelid.
  3. Using a thin tip, apply the Shadow Color and draw a line along the upper lashes. Also apply a line halfway along the lower lashes from the outer eye.

    Using the thin tip, apply Free Medium Color B-1 halfway along the lower lashes from the inner eyelid to further enhance color and depth of light
    最後以細眼影棒沾取適量 B-1 打亮眼頭,提升眼睛的深邃明亮感

    My Opinion:
    I got this quad last year when I've first started to apply shadows, and I think this is the quad for dummies. The combination of these shades will brighten your eyes while being fairly easy to use.
    When I've first started with this quad I didn't really use the C shade on my lid, because I thought that darker shades were harder to control, but I would wet my brush and apply it as a liner, I actually only need this quad for my eye makeup.

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