Friday, November 18, 2011

Bio-essence Tanaka White Skin White Perfectiong Stretch Mask

Contents: 5 sheets
Price: HKD119.00

According to Bio-essence webpage:

Skin White Perfecting Stretch Mask
Contains unique herbal whitening ingredients infused in a unique stretchable mask.
Marvelous Efficacies:
  • Rapidly penetrates skin for better absorption of nutrients and moisture so that skin is kept fair and supple.
  • Tightens pores, increases elasticity and firms skin while soothing skin from daily stress and fatigue.
  • Lightens wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improves cell renewal so that skin is supple, smooth and more radiant
  • Unique stretchable material that allows for better and a snug fit as the mask stretches to fit each individual face contour so that it does not slip off easily.This ensures better absorption of nutrients as the mask stays firmly on face. Skin also feels firm and lifted after use.

Place mask over a throughly cleansed face, starting with the forehead first then stretch it to fit your face. After ensuring that mask fits face, relax for 20-30mins. Remove mask and massage excess fluid onto face. Do not wash face after removing mask. For best results, use 3-4 times a week.
My Opinion:

Although 1 box contains 5 sheets of masks, I've only try it once and the whole box went straight to the bin. The first thing that I've disliked about it was it's shape, it comes in a circle that doesn't fit my face at all. Apart from the shape, I've hated it because I've used it for about 20 minutes, and when I took it off, my face started to feel itchy and red bumps were starting to develop, I had to wash my face immediately. The final reason for tossing it, was because I had a huge acne on my face in the next morning....



採用獨特的植物美白因子THANAKHA樹皮精華、柚子提取液及多種美白草本成分,再結合生物能量晶液、熊果苷、蘆薈、等科學精制而成,為肌膚注入大量營養,深層保濕,締造潔白無瑕,柔嫩緊緻的肌膚。與傳統的面膜不同,特有 伸縮性面膜設計,可隨意拉伸,順應臉部輪廓,使面膜緊貼在臉上,不易脫落, 精華液更容易被吸收,美白、保濕、修護、緊緻四大功效,同步完成。

• 讓水分及養分快速滲透肌膚底層,滋潤肌膚,使肌膚維持水潤柔嫩的狀態
• 溫和收細毛孔,使肌膚瞬間平滑柔嫩,容光煥發
• 預防及改善細紋,促進肌膚膠原蛋白的合成,讓肌膚維持年輕狀態
• 獨特美白保濕因子,高效美白,使肌膚變得白裡透紅
• 伸縮性面膜設計,能把養分更快滲入肌膚底層,有效滋養修復肌膚

• 將面膜向外側拉伸至均勻覆蓋整個面部、額頭及下巴,用手指輕壓面膜使之緊貼於面部肌膚。敷於面上約20-30分鐘後取下,並輕輕打圈按摩至剩餘精華液完全吸收,不用清洗。建議每週使用3-4次。


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