Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kose Softymo Renew Wash

Contents: 120g
Local of Purchase: Sasa

According to Sasa's webpage:

Kose Softymo Renew Wash is a super cleanser contains the newly developed ingredient CEM (cleansing element with moisture). It removes dirts effectively while preserves skin moisture. The new formula also build a more refined & rich lather, while covers your skin thoroughly during cleansing yet it prevents loss of absorbed nourishment. Organic (growth) chamomile extracts ingredients for extra nourishment with a hint of refreshing floral fragrance.

My Opinion:

If you have been following my monthly finished products articles, you might have noticed that I go thru facial cleanser really fast, and that's because I usually share my cleanser with my husband, and so far he has never complained, even those cleanser that I didn't like, he'll finish it off for me.

I was really surprise when he told me that he didn't like this cleanser, and was complaining that it didn't lather and it was really hard to rinse off. When I've tried out this product, I just knew that he was using way too much product, for this cleanser you only need a tiny bit of product and it will lather up really well, but since educating my husband about skin care products is basically impossible, I just gave up and decided to use it up myself, since I've actually like it, it cleanses without drying my skin.

I had it for nearly six month, and have been using it every morning, but I still did not manage to finish it, this just prove how little product you need for each wash


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