Tuesday, August 13, 2013

O'sulloc Water+


Contents: 2.6g x 30 packets)
Price: HK$115.00
Local of Purchase: Moms & Moms

According to Cosme-De.com:

O'sulloc Water+ Healthy Slimming Drink (Lemon Lime/Grapefruit) is a supplement for your water containing 180mg Catechin that serves as anti-oxidants to purity and lighten up your body. Lemon Lime with Hibiscus, the red flower of magic, and grapefruits, born under the sunlight of the Mediterranean.
  • Contains 180mg Catechin of green tea that clarifies and lightens the body.
  • 0 calorie / color-free.
  • Strong anti-oxidant: anti-oxidant index of 1 bag of Water+ = 6,750 ORAC = 300g blueberries or 10 tomatoes (according to USDA resources)
  • 180 catechin in 1 bag of Water+ = 8 times greater than sulloc green tea with brown rice.
My Opinion:
This is suppose to be a slimming drink that comes in 3 flavors, Lemon Lime, Grapefruit and Mixed Cereals (I didn't get the cereal one, because I'm not a fan of cereal flavored stuffs).
You are suppose to mix one packet with 500ml of cold water and to drink it 30 minutes after your meals, 3 times per day. I've only been drinking this 2 times per days for 15 days, and it has absolutely no slimming effect.
I'm still drinking this, because drinking water is just boring, and this product does add some flavor into the water, thus increasing the amount of water that I drink daily. We all know that we are suppose to drinks 8 cups of water per day, and I usually only drink 2-3 cups, but with the assistance of this product, I've substantially increased my daily water consumption to 6-7 cups per day. I know that I'm still drinking less than 8 cups, but I'm trying.....


  1. Hey! I am wondering did it work? I planned on buying in from G-Market and many said that this is a great product, however I'm still not convincing in buying it. Since you have tried it, that's means you have experience so I ask again did it really work? :)

    1. nope, this did nothing to my weight, and I'm only drinking it because it adds some flavor to my water. I'm trying to drink this instead of soda, to cut down on my sugar consumption.

  2. I've tried this too...absolute no effect...it actually gave you a bit of constipation feeling too...but it do increase your water intake..

    1. Thanks for reading my blog even on your holiday flo. Constipation....I've got something to ease that
