Monday, October 7, 2013


I was reading a magazine the other day and saw this article raving about the instyler and claiming that a lot of celebrities are using it.

After reading the article I'd remember that I got one last year and I left it in my gadget graveyard, err... I mean my storage box, and after some digging, here you go.

If you don't kwow what an instyler is watch this video that I found on youtube:


When I've first seen this video I  was amazed by the instyler, and got one straight away, but I don't remember why it went into the gadget graveyard, because I remember liking it.
After using it again today, I've finally remembered why it went to the graveyard, it took me nearly 20 minutes to straighten my hair, and I don't have that kind of time to do it every morning, I can easily straighten my hair with my vidal sassoon straightener in less than 5 minutes.
The final results between the instyler and a traditional straightening iron is very different, the traditional iron will give me pin straight hair while the instyler will give a more natural straight hair look, not pin straigh but still straight.
Apart from not having the time to use the instyler everyday, I've noticed that instyler drys out my hair more than a traditional straightening iron.

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